Our Motto:Quality services and customers satisfaction is the continuous pursuit of HANFILTER.When a customer approaches us with a request or a problem, Whether before the purchase, for expansions, special requests or even emergency trouble shooting in operation,we take our time to listen and to appreciate their situation. We want to understand the context of the issue so we can give customers the solution they need, as soon as possible. We include customers in the process and we work together as a team. HANFILTER offers a wide range of services, spare parts, accessories and retrofit solutions for many different products around compressed air applications, filtration and separation technology.
We are particularly proud of our comprehensive and technically detailed advice. Our competent employees in engineering and sales bring with them the knowledge they have built up through many years of experience in the industry. This enables us to carry out complex projects requiring a high level of consultation. We provide technically founded reasons for purchase recommendations, and we prepare quotations promptly and individually.
We offer numerous spare parts.When your tell us what spare parts you need,we will prepare the spare parts perfectly matched to these products and their maintenance cycles for you.